Numerical Linear Algebra Group Activities 2019

The Numerical Linear Algebra Group had a busy year in 2019. This post summarizes what we got up to. Publications are not included here, but many of them can be found on MIMS EPrints under the category Numerical Analysis; see also these news stories about our publications.

Marcus Webb joined the group in September 2019 as Lecturer in Applied Mathematics.


Some of the group at the 2019 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering.


We make our research codes available as open source, principally on GitHub; see the repositories of Connolly, Fasi, Higham, Liu, Pranesh, Zounon.

We also put MATLAB software on MATLAB Central File Exchange and on our own web sites, e.g., the Rational Krylov Toolbox (RKToolbox).

PhD Students

Massimiliano Fasi successfully defended his PhD Computing Matrix Functions in Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic in May 2019.

Postdoctoral Research Associates (PDRAs)

Massimiliano Fasi joined us in April 2019 to work with Nick Higham on algorithms for high-performance numerical linear algebra.  He was a Visiting Fellow at the University of Pisa from November 2019 to January 2020.

Mantas Mikaitis joined us in October 2019 on a EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship, having just completed his PhD in the School of Computer Science.

Pierre Blanchard left the group in May 2019 and is now a Numerical Software Engineer at Arm.

Maksims Abalenkovs and Theo Mary left the group in September 2019. Maksims is now a Research Software Engineer with the Science and Technology Facilities Council and Theo is a CNRS researcher at LIP6 in Paris.


Stefan Güttel, Nick Higham and Françoise Tisseur were awarded a new 30-month KTP project with Arup.  See this news story.

Presentations at Conference and Workshops

Workshop on Scientific Computing and Optimization with Applications to Image and Data Analysis, Hong Kong Baptist University, January 12, 2019: Higham.
Due Giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica, Sapienza University of Rome, February 18 – 19, 2019: Negri Porzio.
SIAM Conference Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19) in Spokane, USA, February 25 – March 1: Blanchard, Dongarra, Elsworth, Hammarling, Higham, Mary, Pranesh, Tisseur and Zounon.
Liverpool SIAM-IMA Student Chapter Early Career Researcher Conference, University of Liverpool, April 3-5, 2019: Higham.
Royal Society Meeting on Numerical Algorithms for High-Performance Computational Science, April 8 – 9: Blanchard, Fasi, Mary, Pranesh, Zounon.
The 12th International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra, Shangrao, Jiangxi, China, April 15-18, 2019: Higham.
2nd IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research,Birmingham, April 25-26, 2019: Riccietti.
Data-Centric Materials Science and Engineering. Microstructure Fingerprinting and Digital Twinning for Industry 4.0, University of Manchester, May 14-15, 2019: Higham.
Structured Matrix Days, Limoges, France, May 23 – 24, 2019: Mary.
Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra: Celebrating the Centenary of the Birth of James H. Wilkinson, May 29-30,2019: Blanchard, Dongarra, Fasi. Güttel, Hammarling, Higham, Lucas, Tisseur and Zounon. Highlights of the conference.
SIAM UKIE National Student Chapter Conference, University of Manchester, June 10-11, 2019: Fasi.
Gene Golub SIAM Summer School  at the Paul Langevin, Aussois, June 17-28, 2019: Rogers.
Summer School on Optimization, Big Data and Applications (OBA), Veroli, Italy, June 30 – July 6, 2019: Riccietti.
The International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019), Valencia, Spain, July 15-19: Fasi, Güttel, Higham, Pranesh and Tisseur.
International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Berlin, Germany, August 5-8, 2019: Riccietti.
Franco–German–Swiss (FGS) Conference on Optimization, Nice, France, September 17-20, 2019: Riccietti.
Model Order Reduction Summer School 2019, Academisch Genootschap, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 23-27, 2019: Higham.
Computational Science Engineering, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence by Total R&D (MATHIAS), Serris, France, October 14-17, 2019: Riccietti.

Conference and Workshop Organization

  • Jack Dongarra, Laura Grigori and Nick Higham organized the Royal Society discussion meeting Numerical Algorithms for High-Performance Computational Science, April 8 – 9.  See this report on the workshop.
  • The Manchester SIAM Student Chapter organized their 8th Manchester SIAM Student Chapter Conference on June 10 – 11, 2019.
  • Sven Hammarling, Nick Higham and Françoise Tisseur organized the workshop Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra at the University of Manchester, May 29 -30, 2019.
ANLA19 group photo

ANLA19 group photo 


Vanni Noferini listening to a question from Cleve Moler at ANLA19.


Rob Corless from University of Western Ontario visited the group in November 2019.

Recognition and Service

  • Françoise Tisseur delivered the Olga Taussky-Todd Lecture and Nick Higham was an invited speaker at the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) in Valencia, Spain, July 2019.
  • Jack Dongarra received the SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19)
  • Jack Dongarra was elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Society.
  • Françoise Tisseur was elected as SIAM UKIE Section President, 2019-20.
  • Steven Elsworth obtained a SIAM Student Travel Award to attend the 2019 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19) in Spokane, Washington.
  • Nick Higham received the London Mathematics Society’s Naylor Prize and Lectureship.
  • Nick Higham delivered the Feng Kang Distinguished Lecture at the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, in April 2019, and the LAA Lecture (formerly the Hans Schneider Lecture) in the Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 2019.

Other Notable Tweets

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