Conference Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Jack Dongarra

by Sven Hammarling, Nick Higham, and Françoise Tisseur


Jack Dongarra

July 18, 2020 is the 70th birthday of Professor Jack Dongarra, who holds appointments at the University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the University of Manchester.

Jack has made seminal contributions to algorithms for numerical linear algebra and the design and development of high performance mathematical software for machines ranging from workstations to the largest parallel computers. His recent honours include election as a Foreign Member of the Royal Society and receipt of the
SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering (2019)and the IEEE Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award (2020).

To celebrate Jack’s birthday we are organizing a conference New Directions in Numerical Linear Algebra and High Performance Computing: Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Jack Dongarra at The University of Manchester, July 17, 2020.  Registration is now open and we welcome submission of posters.