NLA Group at the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing

Several members of the group attended the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing held in Seattle on February 12-15, 2020.

The presentations given are as follows:

  • Fast Generation of Extreme-Scale Matrices with Preassigned 2-Norm Condition Number by Massimiliano Fasi
  • Solving Neural ODEs using Fixed-Point Arithmetic with Stochastic Rounding by Mantas Mikaitis
  • Low Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic for the Solution of Linear System of Equations by Srikara Pranesh
  • Opportunities for Multi Precision Computation in Memory Bound Applications by Mawussi Zounon
  • Performance and Accuracy of Mixed-Precision Matrix Factorizations with GPU Tensor Cores by Theo Mary (alumnus).

Nick Higham and Srikara Pranesh also organised a two part mini-symposium (Advances in Algorithms Exploiting Low Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic, MS10 and MS21) at the conference. 


Max Fasi, Mantas Mikatis, Mawussi Zounon, Sri Pranesh, Theo Mary at SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Seattle, Washington, February 12-15, 2020.

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